Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The First Run

I am so naive.  So, so naive.  I came to the realization that if I start using such things as the weather, the dog, what I ate for supper, and the TV shows on at night that I will never be running outside therefore not training for my half marathon.  So tonight I told myself to buck up and start running. 

After putting Lainey to sleep and getting dressed, Nellie and I left the house at 7:45pm.  I then came back into the house at 7:46pm as Nellie would not budge from the driveway.  (I think she had some horrible flashbacks of running with Bethany in Utah and therefore refused any torture tonight.)  Lesson #1 - don't take Nellie with me or else I will not be getting my mileage in anytime soon.  Thank goodness she refused at the very beginning.  So at 7:47pm, I set out on my trek for the second time. 

Lesson #2 - look at the temperature before you leave the house.  It was a whopping 26 degrees tonight.  I was wearing my Nike Capri tights, short sleeve preformance tee, and a jacket = Stupid.  Oh and at least I put on a headband = WINNING!  Not.  Who runs when it is 26 degrees and a nice crisp wind that probably drops the temp another 5 degrees?  This girl! excuses!  I guess there are also no excuses for being stupid.   

Lesson #3 - running at night in the above cold temperature results in unforeseen obstacles.  Black Ice.  I felt like I should have worn my Keen hiking boots at multiple times of the run tonight.   

Lesson #4 - need to invest in some good tunes.  I love my music, however Coldplay and Fiona Apple does not get the blood pumping during a 26 degree run.  I think I hit the forward button at least 20 times before I finally found an old school Justin Timberlake song to bust a move too.

After learning from all of these hard knocks, I am proud to say that I ran the entire 2.5 miles without stopping.  Who wants to stop when it is that cold anyways?  Good motivation!  It wasn't much but it was a start.  I was riding this high until I realized that I would have only a measley 10.6 more miles to go.    Here's to the next 3 months of training to get me there!     


P.S.  Made this tonight - AMAZING!  Brandon even ate a "chip" and said that they were "okay".  That is just fine as I finished off the rest of the sheet pan.  Will be working more kale into the menu!


1 comment:

  1. You go girl.... A for effort :) Now just invest in some under armour.

    And for the record...I believe it was you who encouraged this girl to "run out Nellie's energy". Unfortunately, she will forever be haunted by a leash and a sidewalk.
