Thursday, May 31, 2012

May Recap and 7 Month Birthday

In my lame attempt to catch up... :o)

Happy 7 Month Birthday Laineybug!  (5-9-11)

Eats:  Still trying new foods every couple of days.  So far the only thing you don't like is mango, but you will eat all of your other veggies, fruits, and oatmeal.  You are eating solids at breakfast and dinner now.  Fruits: peaches, prunes, mango, apples, pears.  Veggies: sweet potato, parsnips, peas, green beans, butternut squash, carrots.  Whole grain cereal, oatmeal, and barley at breakfast.  EBF 6x a day.
Sleeping: we were only waking up once in the night until the teeth started making an appearance.  Then it went back to multiple late night parties! 
You now have your two bottom teeth and it looks like your two top teeth are coming in!
Can you see my two bottom chompers popping up?
7 Months Old on 5-9-11

 We took a big trip in May to San Antonio to go visit Papa Steve.  This was your 2nd plane ride and you did great!  You were sharing lots of smiles with our nice flight attendants! 

All smiles as we were getting ready to get on the airplane at the airport!

Grabbing some lunch with daddy on the Riverwalk

So much to see and look at! 


Enjoying one of our many walks along the River!
Three Walker generations!

Avocado Face!

Picture op at The Alamo 
In all of her glory!

You were such a great traveler on this trip!

Enjoying a boat ride along the river
Getting my fix of Vitamin D!

Taking in the great San Antonio Zoo with Papa Steve!

"Three little monkeys jumping on the bed..."

Lainey is racking up the Zoo visits!
 After our visit to San Antonio, Mimi Kathy came up to Minnesota to help us landscape and plant flowers!  We took her to the Farmers Market in downtown Minneapolis for a stroll and to grab some pretty flowers and herbs!
Loves going on walks with Mimi!

Of course, we had to stop for an ear of roasted sweet corn.  It was like eating candy.  Yummy!
 May was also Brandon's birthday and we celebrated on Memorial Day with a BBQ at our good friends house (Thanks Volks!).  This is Lainey in her Tough Mudder gear.  She has already started training for next years race! 

This is where Lainey spent most of her lazy afternoons when we weren't traveling or schlepping her around.  Just sucking on her ice popsicle to help with those teethers making there way through!  Happy May!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

The funniest thing ever

Nellie is the funniest thing to Lainey.  She always starts smiling, giggling, screaming, cooing, yelling, talking anytime Nellie comes walking into the room.  She loves her doggie.  I just wish that her doggie would love her just as much back.  Sometimes Nellie is less than enthused as Lainey loves to pull her hair out of her tail or tries to poke her eyes out.  I guess I would be the same way Nellie.  :o)  Here is a video of Lainey's laughs and chuckles as Nellie is playing with her squeaky toy!

Monday, May 21, 2012

The Fake Cough

The Fake Cough

Ever since Lainey has been about 6 months or so, she has started to throw in a fake cough every now and then.  Now, anytime that you ask her "Are you okay?" the fake coughing spells start.  See for yourself! 


Sunday, May 20, 2012

We are back!

I almost forgot my password to blogger...that is how long it has been.  :o)  Sorry for the delay, but I am back!  I know I am way behind and will try and throw some posts about Lainey at 6 months and 7 months since those milestones have come and gone. 

Below is a new video of Lainey and her best friend...herself in a mirror.  It doesn't matter what mirror, she always has a big smile, drooly kisses, and some "Hey's" to her friend.

Lainey is really trying to still hate tummy time, but she now prefers to sleep that way!  It was a little scary for us the first couple of nights as we sat glued to the monitor to make sure she was still breathing and alive, but now we are all sleeping a little better.  Here is a video of her on her 7 month birthday enjoying some tummy time and mirror talk!

My goal is to try to get back to posting once a week from here on forward!  Sorry for the month delay Mom!  :o)  Enjoy!
