Monday, August 20, 2012

Trip to see Mimi!

Brandon afforded me the great luxury to have the weekend to myself in Minneapolis.  Now before you think that this weekend was filled with pedicures, pampering, and eating chocolates in bed for 3 days (I wish), I spend 80% of the time studying for my Minnesota MPJE.  While I was slaving away on my books, Brandon took Lainey on a road trip to Kansas to go see Grandma Kathy (Mimi) and Great Grandma Walker.  Brandon also got to catch up with old friends, be an "extra" in an upcoming independent film (The Jayhawkers), and of course buy Lainey many KU outfits (without my permission). 

Sharing a laugh with GG Walker

She gets this look from her daddy!

Brandon and our sweet GG Walker

Eating like a big girl!

GG Walker is so much fun to play with!

Three generations!

Laineybug and Ryan.  Hopefully he didn't tell her any secrets about the
shenanigans that B and him caused over the past 30 years! 

We love our Mimi!

Especially when Mimi puts on silly glasses!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

10 Months Old!

Crazy Hair!

Crawling and scooting around everywhere!

This was the only picture I could get of Lbug with her 10 month sticker!

Playing with my favorite toy!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Big Week of Firsts!

So last week was a big week for Miss Lainey.  I could hardly keep up with the milestones! 

After a long 9 1/2 months, she is FINALLY sleeping through the night.  FINALLY!  I don't remember what it is like to get more than 5 hours of sleep at a time.  I can't believe I have been surviving on that sleep schedule for so long.  I don't know what the trick was, but I am glad that it happened.  Mainly for my sanity and well-being.  :o) 

We now officially have to watch the potty mouth as someone is talking!  Lainey said her first word other than ma-ma, da-da, or bah bah.  Do to the incessant need of holding her sippy cup over the edge of her highchair and dropping it a gazillion times a day, I always say "Uh Oh!" every time it happens.  Someone picked up on that rather quickly and now will drop anything and everything to say "Uh Oh!"  It is too cute. 

Finally, someone decided that she was tired of scooting backwards and is crawling forward.  I thought that Lbug would never be a crawler and instead would go straight into walking, however she had other plans.  The first day was rather slow and just a couple of scoots forward.  Fast forward two days later and she spanned the entire living room in the matter of seconds.  I think that my life just got turned upside down. 

Tomorrow is her 10 month birthday!  Where is time going?