Saturday, June 30, 2012

June Videos

Lainey visits the Kansas Farm and gets to meet Penny the Kitty for the first time.

It is all fun and games with Auntie B!  That is...until the very end.  :o) 

Poor Nellie...Lainey trying to either wipe her tears or nose since she is in the dreaded "collar of shame" for a couple of weeks. 

Part II of the torture

My little strong girl!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Swimming Lessons and Progression

We started swim lessons at Foss Swim School in June to get Lainey excited to be in the water. She loves tubby time, but we wanted her to feel comfortable and be acclimated to swimming. The first two lessons didn't go very well...lots of tears, crying, screaming. I am pretty sure she was so overwhelmed and overstimulated. After each lesson, she took a 2-3 hour nap which is very unusual for her! So I decided to take her on my own to the swimming pool and to let her get used to the water on her own time. That was the magic ticket as she is now loving swimming lessons. 

Help me!  I just got dunked!

Looking like a drowned rat.  :o(

Get me outta here mama!

Practicing our back float with Bitty Kate

 So after two weeks of not having any fun, we decided to hit up Elm Creek Beach and soak up some sun.  It went much better this time!
Do I have to wear this hat?

Just don't throw the keys in the pool

This water feels good!

Then Lainey's friend, Peyton, invited her over to swim in her sweet pool.  These two always have a lot of fun together!
Splishin and a Splashin!

I am having fun mama!


Playing with the cups

These taste pretty good!
 I finally decided that this girl needed her own pool to play in.  If she could be out in her pool at 6AM...she would.  We have been out there as early as 9AM and she played for an hour. 

Playing with my new friend, Rosa!